Studiomake, as a practice, maintains that more innate understandings of our environment stem from more intimate scales of interaction. In our studio and workshops these tactile moments develop from fluid, recurrent shifts between the act of design and the performance of construction. Being able to experience the weight of material and the friction of tools, our ideas are catalyzed by empirical knowledge derived in-hand. Working in full scale and at real time we explore the overlapping realms of architecture, interiors, furniture, and object design. We find our approach is entirely scalable as our projects shift from buildings to door knobs and our roles vary from architect to contractor, collaborator, and/or fabricator.
Studiomake, as a notion, began to coalesce as David Schafer and his late partner, Im Sarasalin Schafer, sought to formalize their long collaboration into a future practice. Having met in the dry heat of Tucson at the University of Arizona they both moved to San Diego to work for several significant architecture studios, they earned their architecture licenses from the State of California, and then prior to moving to Bangkok, they returned to academics to explore a more intimate scale of making. At Cranbrook Academy of Art they spent two years in the Metalsmithing and Ceramics studios cutting, casting, carving, machining, lathing, constructing and construing. That momentum and spirit continues today at their studio and workshops in Sai Ma on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand with a full team of designers and craftsman.

Irrational thoughts

Malleability of Knowledge

Tools and Materials
